Title: Taking Sides
Author: Gary Soto
Summary: Lincoln is a star basketball player for Franklin Junior High, a tough school in a bad neighborhood. Then he moves to a nicer school district and goes to Columbus Junior High. When he has to play against his old school, he doesn't know if he should play hard and seem like a traitor to Franklin or be easy and seem like a traitor to Columbus. In the end he realizes that he's not like the Columbus kids. He's a Franklin through and through, wearing a Columbus uniform. He plays for himself and for the love of the game, not worrying about who wins.
Stars: 7. Not one of my favorite genres, but Gary Soto's writing is really realistic.
Violence: 6. Fighting is discussed, but never described in detail. Lincoln has a toe injury and a knee injury, and both are described (the injuries, not the acquiring of them).
Romance: 6 for discussion of boyfriends (come on, I mean, they're in eighth grade, but still . . .) and minimal hand-holding.
Language: 0
Appropriate for: junior high/middle school
Other: This was a good exercise of my Spanish. For the words I didn't know, there was a glossary in the back (which I never found until I was finished . . .). I liked the culture intertwined in this book (for example, the tortillas at all meals and speaking Spanish at home).