The Once and Future King by T. H. White was an amazing epic, nearly on the scale of Lord of the Rings (but not quite). It followed King Arthur from his boyhood as the Wart in King Ector's castle to his old age with an unfaithful wife and a semi-traitorous best friend.
It explained the motivations in the several love triangles and quadrangles that came up involving Guenever, Lancelot, King Arthur, Elaine, and even (referred to extremely reverently) God.
Stars: 7
Violence: 7. They are knights, after all.
Romance: 8, because of the love triangles and quadrangles (even though they probably should be called squares or rectangles or even quadrilaterals).
Language: 6. These insulting knights are called chivalrous despite their language.
Appropriate for: older teens
Appropriate for: older teens