Title: Nobody's Princess
Author: Esther Friesner
Summary: Helen of Sparta learns to fight with her older brothers, Castor and Polydeuces. She goes to Calydon and meets Atalanta and helps her fight the giant boar. Then, on their journey home, her brothers stop by Delphi to learn their destiny. Helen meets the Pythia. Castor and Polydeuces set off to Iolkos to find the Golden Fleece with Prince Jason. They send Helen back to Sparta, but Helen wants to go look for the Golden Fleece. The Pythia helps Helen by saying that she has been told that Helen should not leave Delphi on the day Castor and Polydeuces had decreed. The soldiers would go back without her and they would receive news from Delphi. The Pythia had not had any word from the god Apollo, only from Helen. A fisherman's daughter masqueraded as Helen, since she was supposed to be in Delphi, and Helen dressed as a boy to follow her brothers and Prince Jason.
Stars: 8
Violence: 4 because there were some fights, such as the scene with the boar.
Romance: 2 for some talking about "women's matters" at the "time each month when -"
Language: 0
Appropriate for: 12 to 14
Other: I liked this because it was from Helen's viewpoint. It said what happened before Troy.
I loved this book!!
Yeah! It was really great. There are other ones (well . . . at least one other one) in the series, but I forget what their names are.
Nobody's Prize is the second one. I've read it. It's good, but not as good as the first one and a little bit more mature.
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