Title: The Lost Hero (part of the Heroes of Olympus series, sequel to Percy Jackson and the Olympians)
Author: Rick Riordan
Summary: Jason wakes up on a bus with a bunch of strange kids. He can't even remember who he is. Piper and Leo, his friends, are duly unsettled, but they accompany the rest of the bus kids to the Grand Canyon. In the Grand Canyon, storm spirits attack. The teacher, Coach Hedge, is carried away. Annabeth comes, steering a flying chariot, and brings the three demigods to Camp Half-Blood. It is revealed that Percy is missing and the goddess Hera is being held prisoner. Leo is claimed by Hephaestus, Jason by Zeus, and Piper by Aphrodite. There's something odd about Jason, though. He seems to prefer calling gods by their Roman names. The three set out to rescue Hera. Each is visited by strange phantoms: Leo by "Dirt Woman" and his old babysitter; Jason by wolves; and Piper by a large giant. They finally follow the trail through to the Wolf House and free Hera. By the time they return, Jason has almost all of his memories back. He recalls that Thalia is his sister, and that he came from a camp of Roman demigods. Annabeth then understands that her boyfriend, Percy Jackson, is at the other camp. Jason warns that they aren't as friendly over there . . .
Stars: 5
Violence: 5. Violence was in this book, granted, but it wasn't very graphic. Piper cut off an Earthborn's six arms, but the monster didn't bleed or scream. In fact, the scene was used for humor. "The Earthborn looked down, very surprised. He mumbled, 'Arms go bye-bye.'" When monsters died, they disintegrated into the ground. No blood.
Romance: 5. There were a few kisses discussed, including Percy/Annabeth and Jason/Piper.
Language: 0
Appropriate for: See, I'm not really sure about this. The writing style made me think 8-9 year olds, but the content made me think 14-15 year olds.
Other: I wouldn't really call this good literature. It's got a great plot line, but it needs a little bit of remodeling as regards the tone and vocabulary and all.
I agree. This book definitely fell flat compared to the PJATO series.
You know how this series is called Heroes of Olympus? I was wondering what the acronym for this one would be. HOO? IDK, IMO PJATO or even just PJO sounds better than . . . HOO. Or even HO. XD
Have to agree with you, there. :P
I didn't really like the PJ series. It was just... well, gods other than God turn me away from anything :P
I respect that.
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